A few months ago I made a BIG claim on Facebook…on October 16th to be exact.
If you don’t remember (or didn’t see it) here it is:

And since then I’ve been hustling and bustling trying to get everything in place.
It’s not quite all set up but it’s close.
You’ll be the first to know when its all up and ready. Pinky promise.
In the meantime, I’ve got a few spaces open for some funnel critiques this week.
They’re $499 for 2-hours of in-depth funnel massaging and tweaking so you’re funnel is launched and live.
Here’s the link: https://calendly.com/faithsage/funnel-strategy-call
Anyway, gotta get more emails written, pages built and social posts scheduled.
Here’s the link again for the funnel critiques:
Chat soon,