How difficult can it be… really?

Tomorrow is launch day.

A week ago this meant nothing to me.

But now…?

It means everything.

Ok, let me explain.

So on October 15th, I was on my way home from taking my mom to one of her treatments (she was diagnosed with Leukemia a few months back) and it was early afternoon but all of a sudden I had this thought…

“Christmas gets ALL the love”

It was simple, it was profound, and it was just what I needed to hear that day.

Because it set me into action and the ’13 Days of Halloween’ was born.

Here’s why.

1. I love costumes and dressing up.
2. I’ve been wanting to do a launch… like forever.
3. I’ll get to practice doing one.
4. Did I mention I love costumes?
5. We just got a black cat a few months ago… so guess who’ll be making a few appearances in my videos?

So it’s like the universe was a speakin’ to me that day.

Anyway, what does all this mean for you?

Not much really.

Except that if you want to see all the goodies, graphics and specials that will be floating around (muhahahahaha) then head on over to my Facebook business page right here:

And don’t worry I won’t leave my most special peeps, YOU, out of all the fun! You’ll get all the juicy deets before everyone else. Promise!

Plus this won’t be my last launch… I’m just in practice mode.

Here’s the link again:
Have the Boo-iest week EVER and I’ll see you on the FB page!
2025 Faith Sage |