Funnel Mise en place

In culinary college, they had this saying “mise en place.”

And it meant – everything in its place.

Every morning when we arrived with our ginormous bags filled to the brim with all our “extra” stuff.

Since I was in the patisserie program we needed a lot of extra stuff.

Once we got in the classroom, we’d unpack our stuff onto our work table and gather the rest of the ingredients we’d need for instruction that day.

The flour, sugar, chocolate, bowls, baking sheets, pans, etc., depending on what we were doing.  

We’d have to have everything we’d need for our recipe, all the ingredients, in front of us before we could begin.

We only had four hours to do our recipe… even baking bread, making pretzels, chocolate sculptures, 2-tier wedding cakes, you name it we only had four hours.

So we had to have our poop in a group and our mise en place on point.

Otherwise, we were interrupting the next class and the next class didn’t like that at all (neither did the chefs).

When it comes to your funnel it’s no different.

You need specific “items” ready before you can begin building.

And if you have no idea what you need then you have no idea what to get ready.

And you’ll spend tons of extra time going back and forth creating it and getting sidetracked along the way.

Trust me I’m the queen of getting sidetracked… lol

Anyway, before I go off on a tangent I created a little mini-course that walks you, very basically, through how to create a funnel.

And when I say basically I mean basically.

It’s hosted in Google Drive, I go off on tangents, and my eyebrows are even penciled on lopsided.

But if you decide to partake of it, it doth include:

~ A checklist
~ All the platforms & programs needed
~ Video instructions for every step
~ And all my quirkiness packed into everything

And the best part is it’s only $47.

Anyway, here’s the link:
2025 Faith Sage |