You don’t know what you don’t know…

In January I attended a conference.

A BIG conference.

A conference with 4500 other digital marketers on the same path as me… to build a business from the comfort of anywhere that has a wifi signal.

That conference was Funnel Hacking Live. And only 1 of the conferences I’ll attend this year.

Why do I attend so many conferences?

Because they help me level up my mindset AND my personal life AND my business.

Building a digital business isn’t easy especially all by yourself… because you don’t know what you don’t know.

That phrase always sounds weird to me but last year after I attended this same conference by business went BOOM! And in a good way.

It literally changed my life.

But I want to ask you a question… what are you doing to level up your mindset, your business and your life?

Are you enlisting the help of a mentor?

Attending conferences?

Reading business books?

Networking with other likeminded individuals?

Because at the end of the day you either reach a little farther or you stay exactly where you’re at.

I don’t know about you but I got BIG goals to achieve and a MASSIVE empire to build.

Oh and if you’re looking for more help with funnels and tapping into all the knowledge I’ve been learning then click the link below and we’ll get something in the books.

2025 Faith Sage |