Started running ads to my newest product – Digital Marketing Bundle – where I show you how to quickly and easily set up a funnel and received a humdinger of a comment right out of the gate… I also noticed he edited his work… wonder what his previous comment said? Hmmmm… Is he just practicing his scathing remarks or toning it down? Anyway, on that same ad I received this beaut of a comment… So I decided to take a page out of the old Ben Settle book and email my list about how to use the negative comments. Do I care that my image is a “bad cutout job”? Nope. Do I need to spend a ton of money on a photographer for ads? Again, nope. Did the image catch his attention? Yep, enough for him to comment. If you want to check out the ad and what sparked his comments about my “bad cutout job” go here: And never let a hater stop you from doing what you love. They don’t get a say in your life and your business because they don’t pay the bills, do the work or anything else related to you and your business. ***steps off soapbox*** Anyway, here’s the link to the ad in question:¬if_id=1591915244919788¬if_t=comment_mention |